Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Carson is already 2 months old!

The past 2 months have flown by!!! Carson has grown up so much...he is changing and growing like a weed everyday...he's gotten pretty lanky in just the past week so we're pretty sure he's taking after his Dad. He's up to 10 lbs 10 oz! He is holding his head up like a 3 month old, according to his pediatrician, and he's starting to really stand on our legs when we hold him up. He is a copy cat now and sticks his tongue out and laughs whenever we do. He has been obsessed with the light in his room and we couldn't figure out why because it really isn't very intricate or exciting at all...until I realized not long ago that it looks exactly like a boob!! No wonder!! Can't wait to tell him when he's older that we knew he was "boob guy" right from the start. Ha! We have taken him swimming twice now...first time, he wasn't so thrilled...second time, he slept right through his lesson in the pool! Hoping his third time's a charm. :) He spends a lot of time with his cousin Warren who is just enamored with him, especially since Warren can usually get one of Carson's hands in his mouth while holding himself up! Tummy time is getting better each day too since holding himself up has gotten way easier. We can't believe how fast the past two months have gone!

Carson & Warren chillin after a long walk through Montrose
We've been going to Jazz nights every Thursday at Descanso Gardens this summer
Carson & Wally
Tummy Time!
Happy Birthday Mom!

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